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SCORPIO PROFILE - ARTICLE INDEX To Find a Particular Word or Phrase Within This Page - Hold Control and Press F |
-- Articles 36 - 40 Added April 2000 --
Over the years, some 'real' astrologers have wrote me and told me that most of the Scorpio material I've assembled is light-weight, mass audience stuff. You know the stuff, dark, brooding, sexual charged, vengeful, Scorpios blah blah... It was the only material I had been able to get hold of and if I'm honest, I'd have to say that the profile was aimed at a 'mass market'. So, to address this discrepancy I've added new articles, (in particular 36 to 39) which are.. what would you call them.. Heavyweight. They are professionally written by notable Astrologers, Psychotherapists, and other luminaries. These articles are serious reading. Make sure you have a dictionary handy :-)
None Scorpios may find a few of the articles of interest. Article 38 has quite a bit about Taurus as article 37 has about Aries. Taurus, Leo & Aries are given some space in article 36. Astronomy types - see Article 39.
The Love Connection.
Copyright Knowledge Web, Inc. Too Hot to Handle?Just for a bit of fun! Do you sizzle or are you a wet fish? Find out more about yourself, friends and family with the grid by matching the signs with keywords! 3 = High, 2 = Medium, 1 = Low
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Some people see things as they are, and ask why? ![]() |
Keywords for Scorpio: What you're really like...
The Scorpio Male... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Your Metabolism: High.
Your Biggest Asset: |
These three examples are of course personalized to my own Scorpio details. They will give you an example of what to expect. You will need your time and date of birth and place where you were born. More details on each of the Free profiles in each section. The three profiles take up quite a bit of space so I've put them on a separate page. |
This is the numerical rank of Scorpio births by field of eminence as listed in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia, 1974 edition. If you wish to see other rankings, click on the picture to go to Expac. --- Scorpio Numerical Ranking --- |
![]() ![]() ![]() Courtesy of: http://www.aquarianage.org Back To Article Index |
![]() An enigmatic and powerful presence. Has self-assurance, a keen, analytical gaze and succinct, forthright opinions. Often disconcerting but never dull. |
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Scorpio by House 1st house: With Scorpio here you may look upon the world with suspicion. Measurement means being guarded until you are ready to plunge. You watch and gather emotional information below the level of consciousness. Your job is not to be sweet (although you can be), but to swim through the nether waters that connect us all. You may have been taught to tame your emotions, but tiny bubbles gather and turn to lava, followed by an eruption. You may be tough on yourself, acutely aware of the shadow forces lying just below the surface. It can be helpful to welcome your dark side, the discontentment, jealousy, and doubt that can propel you forward if you accept its purpose. Psychology is a natural here. Exploring yourself and your motivations is more helpful than judging and rejecting them. 2nd: Your greatest talent is the ability to get to the source. You needn't hold the obvious reins of power. Your gift is knowing how to combine disparate forces, to turn lead into gold. Where others see loss, you can see opportunity. Value your complexity. It's not just a barrier against unwanted intrusion, but the key to your magical powers. You can be objective about what others have to offer. This enables you to help them make the best of what they are. Measure your talents without cruel judgment. What you need is a good obsession to find the path to self-worth. You can extract all there is to get from your field of interest. 3rd: Where others see the obvious you see the hidden undercurrents. Your skills of observation may have been honed in a childhood when you were not encouraged to talk. So you watched and learned more than other children your age. Your words are not mere decorations, space filling, or ear candy. You want to be heard as attentively as you listen. Communication is about change, about moving others to feel or see what has been hidden. Finding potency in the sounds, the silence, and the nuance empowers your message. The depth of the connection is more important than facts, but it is useful to remember that sometimes the simple truth is truly simple. 4th: The mysteries of adult issues like sex, power, and death were close to you during childhood. Innate awareness of the shadow side may have put an early end to feelings of innocence. Ideally, your family was rooted in psychological inquiry and bonding based on healthy feelings. However, sometimes this position is about unhealthy matters of control and secrecy at home. The 4th is the foundation of the chart. Scorpio here reminds us that you do, indeed, take yourself seriously. Beyond appearances lies a person with a pipeline to the center of the earth. The passions are beyond measurement, but perhaps rarely seen by others. A public calm belies the wariness you have, but this can also be your protection - the ability to deal with crises without making a scene. 5th: Play is serious business for you. No distractions are allowed when you're in the game. Your intensity may make it difficult to compete without trying to crush the opposition. Ideally, though, you give it your all. Passion for action can take you beyond the bounds of reason, but that's what Scorpio is all about anyway. Affairs of the heart are not taken lightly either. Your heart is not feeble, nor are your desires. This can be about the erotically-charged child, but personal expression may be seen as shameful, so hiding one's desire is not uncommon here. The power can feel so strong that you resist showing it. Carefully directing your force enables you to make a creative impact. You are able to turn discarded materials and ideas into new creations. 6th: Tasks are taken on with passion. The work that works best is that which you find compelling, as if you can't live without doing it. Sometimes this position indicates someone who feels forced to do her work. It can be about external pressure and repression. But, in the best situation, it is about work that has to do with digging in deeply to facilitate change or deal with crisis. Management issues may arise here, as the appropriate use of power on the job can become an issue. Concentration can be a strength, as there is often an ability to deal with considerable discomfort to get the job done. Health and hobbies are also 6th-house matters. A regular routine of cleansing and regeneration is ideal. Resentment can be a cause of illness if not addressed openly. 7th: The desire, conscious or not, is to have a powerful partner, one who helps you overcome your natural resistance to change. You may attract strong individuals who try to remold you. The paradox is that the other can be a person of strong desire, but who is also withholding. The issue for you is to take back the power and recognize that you're here to help change others. Relationships touch fundamental issues of trust and control. A willingness to share your fears with someone able to do the same can be helpful, as long as that's a stepping stone on the path of change. Relationship is not about making you safe. It's about taking you further into yourself with the help of someone whose force is equal to your own. 8th: This is Scorpio's natural house, so the core issues of sex, death, and transformation may be more familiar to you. You are a guide to body, mind, and spirit. You are here to take others beyond their boundaries to reveal all of their resources. It's possible that this house will be projected and you'll seek others to fill you with their desire and lead you to change, but it is for you to penetrate the fears and go beyond the known world of comfort and familiarity. Intimacy is about rediscovering your Soul through intense union. Dispassionate partners need not apply. You may be at your best when others are in crisis. This can be very useful for healers and helpers of all kinds. Getting and giving the most without any negative exploitation is one of the challenges here. 9th: While interested in the meaning of all things, a little skepticism may be natural to you. If the teacher is charismatic enough, or passes your tests, you can become a totally committed devotee. Your beliefs are not casual, nor are they disconnected from the real choices that you make in your life. You may have encountered religious extremism or punishing judgment when younger. This position is often of someone who rejects religion only to rediscover faith in a new and more powerful form later. You're not likely to be playful about your beliefs. These are not mere ideas or acts of faith, but concepts held in the very cells of your body. When you teach, it is with the fullness of your being. When you travel, it is not as a tourist, but as someone who enters into the very marrow of the place visited. 10th: There are really two possible positions for you professionally - either you are in control of your career or under the thumb of the oppressor. Scorpionic passion works for you when channeled into socially acceptable forms. You have the intensity that allows you to be a force for change in your chosen field. Without focus, however, feelings are repressed and resentment is a possible outcome. Professions that deal with healing, crisis (physical, emotional, or financial), and reform are appropriate. It is vital that you feel you have the right to your place in the world. Without this permission it is unlikely that your energies will be channeled effectively. Although cool on the outside, you are going to measure the public's responses to your actions. You can be a great leader when the pressure is strong. Create your kind of pressure by choosing the challenges that will move you. Without this focus lesser issues can bog you down. 11th: This can be the position of the social or political zealot. You may be the loyal friend, the passionate comrade, the revolutionary. You don't need a large circle of friends as trust is more important than sheer numbers. Popularity, when it comes your way, is often due to the intensity you bring to group settings. You're not usually out to impress people, it's the cause that counts. You could find yourself attracted to groups that aren't in the mainstream. It's not your job to support the status quo, but to question it. You may have the ability to see your cause take a terrible defeat, then rise again from the ashes. It's typically Scorpionic to be strongest with one's back against the wall. In any case, your respect is likely to go to those willing to invest all they've got. Teammates who hold back are likely to earn your criticism. 12th: Identification with society's outcasts is a quality of the 12th house. When Scorpio is here this may be even more evident. You have the ability to find strength in terrible circumstances and, thus, are a powerful ally of the weak. But you may find it less easy to show your strengths openly, saving your force for the most desperate moments. This can sometimes make it uncomfortable for you to see yourself as the one with power. You can feel like the underdog even when you hold all the cards. Another element here can be a deep mysticism and attraction to the occult, healing, and metaphysics. You're not going to hold conventional views about reality, but are rather a person who can be a guide between the worlds. © 1999 Jeff Jawer - all rights reserved Jeff Jawer has a B.A. in "The History and Science of Astrology" from the University of Massachusetts. He is a well-known counselor, speaker, writer, and co-founder of AFAN and UAC. Jeff is Vice-President of Astro Communications Services (www.astrocom.com), as well as a counseling astrologer . You can contact Jeff via e-mail or see his StarIQ website . Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer |
by Ray Grasse and Linda Puffer. "Still Waters Run Deep"
Scorpio within the Chakra System. - (Click Here To See Table - Opens in a New Window)
Feminine Fire/Masculine Fire. Resentment - The Scorpion's Poisonous Sting.
A Poison Tree I was angry with my friend: And I water'd it in fears, And it grew both day and night, And into my garden stole,
Transforming Anger and Resentment.
References and Notes. 1. Occasionally one sees instances where this process of Scorpionic "tailspinning" plummets the individual so deeply that it gives rise to its exact opposite, with what might be called the "Phoenix effect." Here, the individual hits rock bottom only to rebound from the ashes totally transformed, in a way that other signs may not experience as a result of being more even-keeled in temperament. Despite its admitted efficacy, most of us would no doubt opt for more judicious and incremental methods of personal growth. © 1999 Ray Grasse and Linda Puffer - All rights reserved |
Article 38 - Pluto Pathology (Part 1) - Sex, Death, and Power: Due to the length of this article - 12,000 words. I've placed it on a new page. This will open in a new window leaving you here. Just close the new window when you've finished. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ARTICLE Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer |
The Tropical SIGN of Scorpio The Tropical SIGN of Sagittarius Scale-stars of Sidereal Libra, Now Overlaid by Tropical Scorpio SPHAERA BARBARICA: Outlying Constellations of Tropical Scorpio Stars of Scorpius and Ophiuchus, Now Overlaid by Tropical Sagittarius SPHAERA BARBARICA: Outlying Constellations of Tropical Sagittarius The Two Scorpios References and Notes: Chart Data and Sources Kublai Khan: Morris Rossabi, Kublai Khan, His Life and Times, University of California Press, 1988. Cathedral of St. John the Divine cornerstone: Cathedral booklet. Byrd, Stanley, Amundsen, Abdul-Baha, Dalai Lama, Salk: SS, MMD (Sabian Symbols, Marion Meyer Drew); Garibaldi: Barbault; Joffre: Gauquelin; Audrey Hepburn, Hillary: "personal"; Joseph Smith: EA, NN (Evangeline Adams, Notable Nativities); Serra: The Spirit of Serra by Thomas Cullen: all from Marc Penfield, 2001, The Penfield Collection, Vulcan Books, 1979. Dr. John Snow (March 15, 1815, York, England): World Who's Who from Antiquity to the Present (Brooklyn Public Library phone ref.). Justice Souter: "McEvoy quotes mother's friend," Astro-Analytics Newsletter. Ibn al Faradi, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Khallikan, Wren: Encyclopaedia Britannica, University of Chicago, 1965. Gaudi, Pompey, Ranjit Singh, Zhukov, Pinochet, Brebeuf, Rush, Jenner, Semmelweis, Paget, Finlay, Beria, Fleming, William Clark, Livingstone; Massacre of Huguenots (Aug. 23, 1672, 9:00 p.m. LMT, Paris): Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropaedia, 17th Edition, University of Chicago, 1981. Saxa Rubra: David Eggenberger, An Encyclopaedia of Battles, New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1967. Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee (Dec. 29, 1890, 9:50 a.m. MST, 43N08, 102W22): Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc., 1971: pp. 7, 416-418. Baulieu: Dec. 12, 1926, 4:30 a.m., Strasbourg, France: AA data: Cardan quotes BC in March 1995: from Marion March. Rwanda massacres (started April 6, 1994): New York Times, April 8, 9, 1994. Codex Vetus, St. Vladimir, 988 C.E.: Bernard Grun, Timetables of History, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982, pp. 38, 122. Internet: Hebron Massacre, Feb. 25, 1994, 4:00 a.m.: http://geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9593/hebron2.htm Dachau: http://members.aol.com/zbdachau/history/eng1.htm Dr. Edward Bach (Sep. 24, 1886, Mossley, Eng): www.ax.apc.org/~bapera/bach.html Astiz: www.derechos.org/lidlip/astiz.txt (Nov. 8, 1951, Mar del Plata, Argentina) Justices Ginsberg, Breyer: www2.cybernex. net/~vanalst/supreme.html Rodden, Astro-Data I: St. Bernadette: Luc de Marrˇ, from "birth record given by Choisnard in 'Language Astral,' 1922, p. 18." Rodden, Astro-Data II: Cook: p. 284: J. M. McCan in Dell Horoscope, Nov. 1979 (among others); Lindbergh: p. 330: SS and others - later confirmed; Graham: p. 330, later corrected to 3:30 p.m. EST; Luther: time corrected to 10:45:29 p.m. LMT; Lawrence of Arabia: p. 326: DD; Mao: p. 335: DD; Stalin: p. 372: correction cites Great Russian Encyclopaedia, 1974 for Dec. 21, 1879 NS; Wellington: Lockhart quotes Raphael's Manual of Astrology; Patton: Dewey, "from family bible"; Rommel: Gauquelin, corrected to 11:14 a.m. GMT; Himmler: Gauquelin; Alexander the Great: pp. 260-261 (July 17, 354 B.C.E., Pella, Macedonia): Die Astrologie, June 1927: DD; J. Edgar Hoover: "data from him in a letter"; Nostradamus, p. 346: Kraum "data from his friend": DD. Rodden, Astro-Data III: Cardan: Giralmo Cardano: Book of My Life, trans. Jean Stoner, 1930, p. 4. Anita Hill: Rodden, Data News #32, 12/91. All astrological positions were calculated on Mark Pottenger's CCRS Horoscope Program: AGS Software, Orleans, MA 01988. © 1999 Diana K Rosenberg - all rights reserved. Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer |