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40 Articles, 179 pages on Scorpio sign, scorpio horoscope, scorpio compatibility, scorpios, scorpio man &; scorpio woman

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What is a BioRhythm?

A biorhythm is based on the idea that certain aspects of your life move in cycles.
The cycles are based on sine waves, each starting at 0 on the day of your birth.
Each of the different aspects cycles at a different rate.

Physical biorhythm shows: the power of resistance of your organism, your reflex,
function of your digestion system and other organs. (
cycles once every 23 days)

Emotional biorhythm shows: your feeling, mood, creativity and nerve system. (
cycles once every 28 days)

Intellectual biorhythm shows: capability, concentration, memory, ambition, caution,
logical and analytical function of human being.
cycles once every 33 days)

A 'Critical Day' is one where a cycle crosses the Zero point

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- AOL - Go to > Member Services > My AOL > Other Prefs > WWW > Security > Set Java to custom level > Java Custom Settings (Bottom tab) > Edit permissions - Then enable or Prompt on all Java settings in the menu. It also helps having a low security setting.

- IE Explorer - Go to > Tools menu > Internet Options > Security > Set Java to custom level > Java Custom Settings (Bottom tab) > Edit permissions - Then enable or Prompt on all Java settings in the menu.

- Netscape - Goto > Edit menu > Advanced > and enable both Java and Javascript. (A lot simpler!!).

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